Please contact us for further information on
businesses for sale in your area that we may represent.
Due to our strong belief in confidentiality and concerns
of our sellers we cannot provide or post business
names, locations, descriptive financials, or any other
identifying information of businesses that are for sale.
We currently have over 20 businesses listed ranging
in price from $95K - $6.5 million in the
following industries...
- Hospitality/hotel
- A variety of retail
- Convenience stores (C-Stores)
- Liquor/off sale/on sale
- Food/restaurant/QSR
- Professional services
- Franchises
- Tanning Salons
- Sign Companies
- Gift Shops
- HVAC (heating ventilation A/C)
- Lake Resorts
- Carpet Cleaning
- Health/Fitness Clubs
- Manufacturing
- Advertising/Marketing
- Golf
- Etc.
The foregoing list and herein
lists of businesses contains certain information about
our clients businesses. It is hereby agreed that said
list is to be used solely for the purpose of conducting
a preliminary evaluation of said business(es) as
potential purchases. Statements contained herein are
opinions, whether or not so identified, and are not
representations provided by client-sellers that such
information is accurate. No representations or
warranties herein are either express or implied. This
list is solely for the use of potential purchasers to
gain an overview of businesses currently available for
sale by Veracity and/or its cooperating partners.